Mass Conservation Alliance Stands Against Unreasonable Fee Increase Proposed by MassWildlife, 5/4/2021

mass_conservation_alliance_press_release_dfw_fee_increase.pdf |
The following .pdf file is the MA DFW revised fee increase proposal - May 2021

masswildlifelicenseproposalmay2021.pdf |
The following .pdf file is the survey results MCA presented to MA DFW March 2021, 1027 responses

mass_conservation_alliance_-_ma_division_of_fish_and_wildlife_fee_increase_survey.pdf |
The following .pdf file is the final tally of the MCA survey responses, 1093 responses in total

mca_dfw_fee_increase_survey_results__-_google_forms.pdf |
The following .pdf file is the source survey form made with Google Forms

mca_dfw_fee_increase_survey_-_google_forms.pdf |
The following .pdf file is the MA DFW public stakeholder information sessions fee increase proposal - February 2021

masswildlife_20proposed_20fee_20schedule.pdf |