MCA led a cross-state campaign between the fall of 2019 to the spring of 2020 to send postcards on behalf of sportsmen and women to State Senators and State House Representatives to advance the Crossbow Bill. Though several thousand postcards were mailed in, the Senate passed the Bill, the House never released the Bill out of Committee to hold a House vote. For political reasons, the House Committee sat on the Bill for over 6 months and refused to release it to the floor. The same Crossbow Bill has been before the Senate and House for several years, with Senate positive support and House reluctance. The MCA is thankful for the numerous efforts by sportsmen across the state to participate in the campaign. The idea of the postcard campaign was a follow-on to the 2018-2019 effort to writer letters and call one's senate and house representative. A crtical remark was made that a sporting organization letter representing its membership, of 100 to 1000 members, was not believed, so the MCA took the campaign down to the individual sportsmen level. The MCA's next effort will expand to include professional lobbyists to advance the current session's Crossbow Bill, as part of the 2021-2022 legislative year.