MCA Current News and Developments
Stay upto date with the new MA firearm laws, Chapter 135/H4885 and the Referendum Ballot
Follow news and details these websites (Dec 12 2024)
GOAL - ; layman terms for ramifications of the new laws including hunting/storage/transport, along with the state's delays in enacting major portions of the law for revised education curriculum, firearm registration, and long arm rosters. Plus tracking of state/federal lawsuits to remove sections of the law. ; November 2026 Ballot Referendum to repeal all Chapter 135 laws . This grass roots group gathered over 100,000 signatures in the Sept-Oct 2024 timeframe to delay the implementation of the law until Nov 2026; however the Governor signed an emergency pre-amble to thwart this constitutional process and further repress the voters voices. Donations being sought, signup for the periodic newsletters, and become a volunteer ... a lot of work ahead to obtain favorable votes for November 2026
MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife hunting laws pertaining to the new Chapter 135 laws .
Follow news and details these websites (Dec 12 2024)
GOAL - ; layman terms for ramifications of the new laws including hunting/storage/transport, along with the state's delays in enacting major portions of the law for revised education curriculum, firearm registration, and long arm rosters. Plus tracking of state/federal lawsuits to remove sections of the law. ; November 2026 Ballot Referendum to repeal all Chapter 135 laws . This grass roots group gathered over 100,000 signatures in the Sept-Oct 2024 timeframe to delay the implementation of the law until Nov 2026; however the Governor signed an emergency pre-amble to thwart this constitutional process and further repress the voters voices. Donations being sought, signup for the periodic newsletters, and become a volunteer ... a lot of work ahead to obtain favorable votes for November 2026
MA Division of Fisheries and Wildlife hunting laws pertaining to the new Chapter 135 laws .
MCA to start raffle ticket sales in January at Winter 2025 sportsmen/women events. Also tickets can be requested to be sold at your club, club events, and amongst friends/family/co-workers. email [email protected] . There is now over 25 items donated and procured for the raffle, and still accepting donations.
Jan 31, Feb 1, 2 ; New England Fishing Expo, Marlboro Best Western Royal Plaza, there is a fee for admission
Feb 21, 22, 23 , Springfield Sportsman's Show , Big E Fairgrounds, there is a fee for admission
Tickets are available for clubs, FFLs and MCA supporters to sell at their club, business, special events; email [email protected] to make arrangements to secure tickets to sell and raffle flyers.
MCA will also have tickets for sale at these County League Banquets:
* Worcester County (March 22nd),
* Bristol County (April 25th),
* Berkshire County (April 5th),
* Plymouth County (April 12th)
Dates to be announced when MCA will sell tickets at the entrance/exit door for Cabela's Hudson and Bass Pro Foxboro in April/May timeframe
Drawing will be May 18th at the Somerset Sportsman's Club, in Swansea, MA
Somerset Sportsman's Club
262 Baker Road
Swansea, MA 02777
Google Map Directions
MA DFW has completed the process to now allow chukar in the special winter gamebird hunts. The revised application form can be downloaded by clicking here. DFW will update the information on their website soon and the 2026 guide will also reflect the update (2025 is already printed/delivered to license vendors). Hunters who get their birds from in-state vendors will just need the attached permit, while those that purchase their birds from out-of-state vendors will still need an importation permit from DFW Bob Arini .
Barnstable County League and the support of MCA helped usher in this hunting improvement.
Our Mission
To promote, protect, and restore outdoor pursuits in Massachusetts including hunting, fishing, trapping, wildlife management, habitat and species management, public access, outdoor recreation and firearm ownership to the general end that the present and succeeding generations may continue to enjoy and to use these great natural resources.
Our Purpose
To make sportsmen and women a powerful political voice by forming an alliance of sportsmen organizations with organizations sharing the MCA’s mission and values. Individually we are weak, but together we are strong. The Massachusetts Conservation Alliance was reformed in June of 2018. It originated from years of working with numerous sportsmen’s organizations on hundreds of different issues. The service and representation of our members is our absolute highest priority.
Our Commitment to MASSACHUSETTS
Sportsmen and women are the backbone of American fish and wildlife conservation. Together we have been responsible for the conservation and recovery of species across the country and have worked tirelessly to promote our deep-rooted traditions. Doing so means that we must stand together in our efforts to support science based fish and wildlife management and stand ready to defend our rights. If we want responsible – science based – management of our resources we must stand together! Based on extensive input from Massachusetts sportsmen and women, here are our goals and commitments:
- To educate the public concerning the American heritages of hunting, trapping and fishing
- To promote, support and expand opportunities for sport fishing and hunting throughout the Commonwealth
- To promote and explain field sports, wildlife conservation and scientific wildlife management practices through literature, films, the press, television, social media, the internet, and radio
- Promote and protect all fish and wildlife management tools necessary to conserve all species
- Proactive participation in legislative, regulatory, administrative and judicial policy-making decisions affecting Massachusetts’s natural resources and their uses
- Defend and protect the right of individuals to keep, use, and bear firearms
- To do any and all things· that are necessary for, or incident to, the purposes hereinbefore stated